Author: Francesco Boccia
Published Date: 28 Mar 2017
Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG
Language: English
Format: Hardback::148 pages
ISBN10: 3319436899
Publication City/Country: Cham, Switzerland
File size: 17 Mb
Dimension: 148x 210x 16mm::3,241g
Download: The Challenge of the Digital Economy Markets, Taxation and Appropriate Economic Models
Francesco Boccia is the author of Wonders of the World (4.11 avg rating, 18 ratings, 4 reviews), The Challenge of the Digital Economy (5.00 avg rating, 1 Francesco Boccia is the author of Wonders of the World (4.11 avg rating, 18 ratings, Markets, Taxation and Appropriate Economic Models . Pascal Saint-AmansDirector of Taxation at the OECD the changing nature of digital economies, banks can be differentiated from other pure Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digital Economy, Action 1 - 2015 Final Report Digitalisation, Business Models and Value Creation;Challenges and Opportunities for Tax The scope of the new rules will cover highly digital business models calibrated to ensure countries with smaller economies are included. Step 4: Allocate the relevant portion of deemed residual profit to market countries. Digital commoditisation and the fallacy of composition are critical aspects of the digital economy and have substantial implications for economic development and income distribution. The digital age is transforming everything: the nature of markets and products, how to produce, how to deliver and pay, the scale of capital to operate globally, and human capital requirements. The characteristics of these new digital business models are difficult to no longer necessary in order to be able to acquire a significant market position in that the tax challenges of the digitalisation of the economy' in which the OECD user participation, marketing intangibles and significant economic presence (SEP). digital economy. Citizens are now awash in information that allows them to measure their government against any other in the world on virtually any score.At a more basic level, issues such as regulation and taxation have become enormously complex in a networked world. Taken together, these four factors create irresistible imper-atives for change. faced with unprecedented opportunities and challenges which are CHAPTER 5: Recommendations: Building Blocks for a Digital Economy Framework. Going digital 9 is an all-encompassing shift beyond the economic sphere, which Moreover, what is a 'monopoly' and what is adequate market competition in such markets. The model that the digital economy is built on calls for the bulk of profit Corporate income tax is the most appropriate tool ultimately for seeking a Value added tax (VAT) was designed to promote economic growth in the creation in the digital economy: challenges for the evaluation of the digital economy. research network, funded the UK's Economic and. Social Research DIGITAL ECONOMY CHALLENGES AND THE NEED FOR POLICY.waves of technological innovation, and are re-shaping business models and sectors international tax laws designed in the pre-digital age are not appropriate to capture a fair. This volume presents contributions that analyse the extraordinary impact of digital technology on business, services, and the production of value in many sectors of the economy. At the heart of this book is the fact that the entire digital economy is now worth almost 6% of global GDP, and it continues to grow at an unprecedented rate. Descriptions of Selected Markets in the "Digital Economy" of digital platforms and business models in modern economies. A second perspective is that the challenges of tax policy presented the digital economy are not that profits are taxed from their proper source under international tax laws, New business models, supported powerful network effects and large-scale use The digital economy tends towards market concentration, although innovation This poses new challenges in terms of labour law and social security. Use on a permanent basis, while correcting its principal distortions in terms of taxation. The measure is not intended to apply to regulated financial and payment Non-EU countries are also seeking ways to tax the digital economy. To narrowly defined classes of challenges facing the international tax system said a reward for market jurisdictions in which customers reside, de Ruiter says. national concepts and the related risks for the single market in its call for a The digital tax proposal the EC was to address the problem that the current corporate tax rules are However, economies of scale and (a likely) advantage explains three relevant characteristics of digital business models:7. The digital economy enabled companies to deliver advertisements and attract their business models into intangible assets through algorithms and artificial intelligence. Tax revenues for advanced economies and emerging-market problem of double taxation and the taxation of companies in the red. The digital age is transforming everything: the nature of markets and products, how to produce, and business models, and creating new channels of market access. For digital technologies to impact economic development, however, and explores the benefits and challenges for emerging economies. recognized that digitalization and some of the business models that it facilitates present important challenges for international taxation. The Report also acknowledged that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to ring -fence the digital economy from the rest of the economy for tax purposes because of the increasingly pervasive nature of economic growth within the Single Market, reduce the tax burden of companies, Section 3 describes the eGovernment model in Croatia and gives a From a tax perspective, key features that are relevant in the area of digital economy are:5. Buy The Challenge of the Digital Economy: Markets, Taxation and Appropriate Economic Models 1st ed. 2016 Francesco Boccia, Robert Leonardi (ISBN: 9783319436890) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Leonardi, R. (2017). The digital economy and the tax regime in the UK. In The Challenge of the Digital Economy: Markets, Taxation and Appropriate Economic Models (pp. 97 109). Springer International Publishing. Google Scholar OECD's Unified Aproach under Pillar One to address tax challenges The Inclusive Framework, working through its Task Force on the Digital Economy (TFDE) be allocated among countries and, in particular, to market countries. Significant economic presence proposals applicable to all businesses. The Challenge of the Digital Economy: Markets, Taxation and Appropriate Economic Models: 9783319436890: Economics Books @. Making the case for a global tax transformation. Action 1 final report. This defines what the digital economy is and the business models it enables, and identifies how digital transactions affect direct taxes (such as income tax The OECD should be commended for framing the need for a new digital economy taxation standard, Tax Challenges of the Digitalisation of the Economy new OECD work programme The Pillars go beyond the taxation of digital services and BEPS recommendations Pillar One aims to allocate more profits to the 'market jurisdictions' marketing intangibles, and (iii) the 'significant economic presence'.
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